Support CCHAPMeals on Wheels

Make a monetary donation today to provide a healthy, nutritious meal to a senior in need. Just $25 can provide meals for a 3-day weekend for a senior in need! Give as often and as generously as you can and tell a friend or family member. Your gift WILL change a life for the BETTER!! Interested in volunteering or making a food donation? Visit our "Contact Us" page!

If you are a perspective donor, please note that we would be happy to receive donations of cases of water bottles or fruit juices (24-pk), 60-watt or 75-watt light bulbs, paper towels, 3-compartment microwave safe plates, plastic thank you bags, and other necessary items. If you are interested in purchasing these items yourself they can be attained from Contact us by phone at 216-777-2136 to discuss your tax-deductible contribution to our cause. Monetary donations to attain these items are also welcome! Just click on this link OR scan the QR Code to the left.