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Preparedness for unexpected disaster, pandemic, and other situations is important for our agency as we provided much needed food and beverages to those who are hungry, infirmed or otherwise unable to attain the healthy food they needed to survive

The procedure below is documented and available to all staff in response to any pandemic, epidemic or disaster situations. Our operations plan is as follows:


Kitchen Facilities: Collaboration Station—CCHAP Meals currently operates two commercial kitchen facilities that prepare, package and distribute meals according to current Ohio Health Department food preparation standards. At our commercial kitchen locations we are exercising health and safety precautions including social distancing practices that have been recommended by the Ohio Department of Health so that those that we serve are protected through our food preparation and delivery processes. As the CDC or FEMA advises that food preparation is an extremely low risk mode of transmission, our focus is on key elements of kitchen hygiene and social distancing. Specifically, we reinforce regular handwashing throughout the day, constant changing of gloves, consistent clearing and cleaning of workstations, end of kitchen day disinfecting, maintaining a limit of only 3 to 6 individuals in the kitchen workspace at one time.


Delivery Dispatching: All delivery drivers (to include paid staff and volunteers) participate in individual in-services with the Executive Director to review safe distancing practices they are to use when delivering food. All are required to use handwashing or hand sanitizers before delivering meals. Each driver is outfitted with personal protective equipment which includes a sets gloves & masks they are to use when delivering to our customers, and are given specific instructions regarding how to complete the delivery of each food package when arriving and leaving seniors’ homes. In addition, drivers receive “permission to travel” letters in the unlikely event that they require additional documentation in order to be out-of-doors during any mandatory “Stay at Home” Order by the state or Federal restricted movement order during time of war or natural or man-made disaster. They are also instructed not to report to work with any sign of illness per CDC guidelines. Individuals who work in our agency office are allowed—when deemed appropriate—to work from home. In the office, staff is limited to only 4 people in the workspace at one time and is required to practice social distancing while present. We continue to actively monitor the guidance from public health and regulatory agencies for COVID-19 related risks so that we can prepare accordingly.



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