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About Us!

CCHAP is an acronym which stands for Crisis Chronic Health and Acute Prevention. In this program we specialize in providing home delivered meals and medically tailored meals to seniors with chronic or acute health conditions. Through this program we also provide home delivered meals to those individuals who are in crisis or whose travel outside their home is either or seriously limited or totally restricted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. CCHAP Meals is a registered member of the National Meals On Wheels Association.  We have three nutrition programs designed to meet the needs of adults and seniors in need of food!

CCHAP Meals on Wheels

CCHAP Meals on Wheels:  Is our traditional home delivered meals program.  As a 5-year member of the National Meals on Wheels Association, we have dedicated this program to providing food to needy seniors who have medical conditions that require special consideration when preparing their food.  While some of our seniors are able to consume a traditional diet of meat, fruit, starches and vegetables, we have a growing number of seniors with conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, dialysis, cancer, hypertension/heart/cardiac concerns, and others which we can specifically cater to when providing emergency food!

Medical Nutrition Therapy

Is our home delivered meals program specifically designed to accommodate the needs of adults and seniors that pre-diabetic, diabetic, and various stages of kidney disease and use food as medicine to help them improve their healthy on a daily basis.  Participants in this program received diabetic consults with our staff Dietitian in addition to food so that improvements in their health condition can be monitored effectively.

Food Ambassador Program

Is our community outreach program to senior high rise apartment buildings to share not only food but healthy eating education in a fun way to help residents make better choices in their food shopping and encourage them to make eating healthy a way of life. We coordinate visits to high rises at least 10 times per year.

Most of our clients require food delivery because of their health condition or due to being sequestered in their homes as a result of medical emergency or natural disaster.  However we also serve individuals who are just unable to cook for themselves due to physical impairment or developmental disability.  We deliver throughout the Cleveland and surrounding suburban areas! 


We also serve adults who find themselves in a crisis situation and suddenly unable to attain food:  for example homelessness due to fire or sudden eviction or lack of transportation to food sources in their community, or discharge from a hospital without means of getting cooked food through their insurance plan or other means, are able to receive food on a short-term basis by arrangement through their hospital caseworker or by calling Cleveland 211.  If you are a caregiver or out-of-town relative to a senior who meets our eligibility criteria, we would be happy to speak with you directly about the options for getting your loved-one food through our program.  You can fill out our online form on our Contact page here on our website or call our office directly at  216-777-2136.

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